Kenneth J. Tetreault, M.A.

Ken earned a Master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from the University of San Francisco, and a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Humboldt State University.

He became a California licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in 1983 and has provided Brief Therapy and Ericksonian Hypnotherapy for over 40 years. Currently, he is not licensed in any state. Instead, he is now a problem-solving educator.

Mr. Tetreault trained extensively at the Mental Research Institute in Palo Alto, CA and at Stanford University with John Weakland, LMFT, Paul Watzlawick, PhD, and Richard Fisch, MD, and with Jay Haley. His training in Brief Therapy began in 1975 in graduate school at the University of San Francisco, an apprenticeship-type of program with a great deal of live demonstrations of Brief Therapy sessions and live supervision of student therapy sessions with real clients. For over 20 years he trained with and received supervision from Dr. William E. Aubry who trained extensively at the Mental Research Institute with Dr. Fisch and extensively with Milton H. Erickson, MD. Ken received extensive training in Hypnosis at the Milton H. Erickson Foundation in both Phoenix, Arizona and in Buenos Aires, Argentina and frequently with Dr. Aubry.

Ken taught Brief Therapy, Ericksonian Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy, Psychology, and Self-Hypnosis at various colleges and universities, including Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, Washington, Portland Community College in Portland, Oregon, San Diego University in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and LaJolla University in San Diego, California.

During the last 40 years he has presented many trainings in Brief Therapy and the Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy of Milton H. Erickson, MD to nurses, doctors, therapists, and other health care professionals. He has taught Ericksonian Hypnotherapy for the Milton H. Erickson, MD Foundation of Phoenix Affiliate in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and taught Brief Therapy, Hypnotherapy, and Self-Hypnosis, seminars throughout Western United States, Argentina, and Peru.

Ken held positions as clinical director for several years at three counseling agencies, where he trained and supervised Masters and PhD students, and graduate school interns from various universities, in Brief Therapy and Ericksonian Hypnotherapy. Ken worked several years in hospitals applying Brief Therapy and Hypnotherapy with psychiatric and non-psychiatric patients, including Sharp Memorial Hospital in San Diego, California and Dammasch State Hospital in Oregon.

Brief Therapy and Ericksonian Hypnotherapy seminars are offered online, at your agency, or in person and provides problem solving for individuals, couples, and families. Ken is a consultant to nurses, therapists, physicians, attorneys, schools, and nursing care centers.

Ken feels that “The art of helping is a sense of presence, openness, and compassion. It is the recognition of each person’s innate ability to move in the direction of health.”

He is married with three adult children, and has a private problem-solving practice, dividing his time between Portland, Oregon and Everett, Washington. Services are provided in both English and Spanish.