Reduce & Manage Pain

With Hypnotherapy and Brief Therapy, you can reduce and manage pain, which will improve your well-being, reduce stress, anxiety and depression. These modern and scientifically based methods have been developed to manage the suffering from pain, regardless of the cause. Hypnotherapy and Brief Therapy have consistently been shown to be reliable and effective methods of pain control.

Currently, hypnotherapy is used in pain relief centers and medical behavioral health clinics to manage pain during the birth process. It is also used during surgeries where it is the primary or adjunctive analgesic.

You will learn the skills to use these patterns yourself while being guided through their relaxing and calming effects.

How Do These Patterns Work?

These patterns help a person access the subconscious mind. This sidesteps the learned limitations of the conscious mind and utilizes the wealth of knowledge and experiences that you already have. It will help you find new and creative ways to enhance your natural abilities.

Individuals are often surprised at how rapidly positive changes can happen. When in this relaxed and comfortable state, the subconscious mind has the ability to process information much more quickly than the conscious mind. Therefore, you can more easily solve problems and reach your goals. Services are in English or Spanish.