What is Hypnosis?

Who was Dr. Erickson?

Milton H. Erickson, M.D. was a psychiatrist and Marriage & Family Therapist who developed unique methods of hypnosis and therapy. He had an extraordinary ability to help patients succeed when other professionals had failed with them. Dr. Erickson was a kind and respectful man and people came from around the world to study with him or to be patients.

What Happens in Hypnosis?

His methods are powerful yet frequently indirect, interesting, and non-intrusive, in part a result of his belief that each person is individual and has within him or her the resources and strengths that can be used by the person to bring about the outcomes needed. Hypnotherapy stimulates those resources into action.

How Does Hypnosis Work?

The hypnotherapist will use various methods to help clients relax, to sidestep the learned limitations of the conscious mind and more fully their more efficient and capable subconscious mind to help solve problems, reduce stress, depression or anxiety, overcome tobacco addiction, and better enjoy life.

Am I Asleep During Hypnosis?

Clients are not asleep, can move and talk and be aware of their surroundings. They are not passive recipients of suggestions. Rather their subconscious mind (the medical term is unconscious mind) is active, searching through memory banks to utilize clients’ lifetime of learnings and experiences to comfortably help them achieve their goals.

Typically, clients awaken refreshed and renewed by the hypnosis experience, and then are often quite surprised to find themselves doing and behaving in ways that resolve problems or difficulties.