What is Brief Therapy?

Brief Therapy is an effective, research-based approach aimed at solving problems in a timely manner, saving clients needless suffering and money. This is because we take seriously that what you present as a problem such a depression or anxiety is the problem. We don’t try to convince you that the problem is really to be found in your childhood, genes or just in your head.

Therefore, we focus on the here and now, find what is perpetuating the problem, set with you behaviorally-specific and reachable goals, and take responsibility via homework and therapeutic actions to help bring about resolution of the problem. Problems are limited to as few as possible to bring about the changes you want.

I pattern my problem solving after the hypnotherapy techniques of Milton H. Erickson, MD, and the Brief Therapy approaches of the Brief Therapy Center of the Mental Research Institute in Palo Alto, California. I see individuals, couples, and families.

We all have difficulties at times. Because clients are paying for competent services, I believe that therapists should satisfy the element of fair exchange by taking responsibility to focus on resolving client presenting problems, and defining problems in a way that makes them solvable.

What are my specialties?

I have gained a great deal of advanced training and experience in Hypnotherapy and Strategic Brief Therapy. Most of my clients are individuals who wish relief from feelings of depression and anxiety, conflicts in couples, behavior concerns with children and the management of physical pain.

I specialize in providing health care professionals Brief Therapy and Hypnotherapy and other Continuing Education training, Consultations, and Supervision. These include therapists, nurses, doctors, dentists and others.


Fee is $140 or adjusted lower depending on client income level for 50-minute sessions.

How many sessions will be needed?

Most concerns can be resolved in three or four sessions. Some problems will need more time to resolve, some less.

How do I work?

I help clients to solve problems and overcome difficulties, rather than diagnosing or treating classifications of mental disorders. I believe most clients want their current problem or problems resolved in a reasonably short time, if possible. So I put my efforts in the here and now.

  • In a first session with a client, I gather the information that is needed to help bring about the changes desired. Together we will set specific and reachable goals so we can stay focused on your goals, refocus as needed, and know when therapy can end.

  • I strive to help clients achieve positive outcomes as quickly as possible. Problem solving, in English or Spanish, may include an activity or homework aimed at problem resolution.

  • Within each of us is the knowledge and experiences to solve problems and make our lives better, which I stimulate and add to. Our natural state is health, and together we strive to restore it.