What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a natural state that each of us goes into at times. They are common everyday states such as “Staring into space” or pausing briefly as our mind searches the reason we just entered a room, or we are wondering about something. In hypnosis, people experience increased attention, concentration, and self-control. In hypnosis we are not asleep and we are aware of sounds and events around us but usually prefer to just relax and enjoy the comfort of relaxation.

How Does Hypnosis Work?

Hypnosis helps a person access the subconscious mind. This sidesteps the learned limitations of the conscious mind and utilizes the wealth of knowledge and experiences that you already have. It helps individuals find new and creative ways to enhance their natural abilities.

Individuals are often surprised at how rapidly positive changes can happen. When in the relaxed and comfortable state of hypnosis, the subconscious mind has the ability to process information much more quickly than the conscious mind. Therefore, people can more easily solve problems and reach their goals. Relaxation Sessions can be in English or Spanish.