
“There has been such peace and joy; the anger is gone. I have been angry as long as I can remember.”

Jaci M., Kent, WA

“I really like that I was so relaxed. The hypnosis made me more positive and more powerful. I was stronger with the school teacher [re my son].”

Cheryl J., Renton, WA

 “I lost 6 pounds the first two weeks. I’m making better choices in what I eat. I’m more relaxed, even at work, and have more energy.”

Joan M., Spokane, WA

“Since we talked I’ve improved [my basketball] each day. I’ve also done things [on the court] that I’ve never done before.”

John F., Seattle, WA

“I don’t feel like having a cigarette, but something else happened [after awakening from hypnosis]. I always have at least some pain in my legs, but right now I don’t feel any pain.”

Joanne S., Spokane, WA

“Some friends and I were hiking in the Gorge and I got separated and didn’t know which way to go. I remembered what I learned in your seminar so sat down with my back against a tree and did self-hypnosis. After a few minutes I woke up and just walked out and joined my friends, who were waiting for me.”

Hanna, Portland, OR

“Thank you for your seminar. I’m using brief therapy with every client and getting very good outcomes.”

Stephen P., therapist, Portland, OR

“When I spoke his language like you taught, he brightened up, smiled, and was enthusiastic to hear what more I had to say. So I gave the behavior prescription without any trouble.”

Veronica B., San Diego, CA

“I’m using the hypnosis techniques with my patients in the natural course of my nursing activities with them. It’s kind of fun because some patients are anesthetized even before I give the injection.”

Annette G., Portland, OR

“I was reluctant at first to use some of the methods. I’m still not comfortable, with reframing for example. But clients are having good results. We shall see.”

Paul D., Redmond, WA