Optimal Sports Performance

I’m a lifelong athlete and was a champion high school and college wrestler. I know how to help you excel. In the comfort and relaxation of the hypnotherapy experience, you will learn tested techniques to increase your sports performance.

Robert is a semi-pro basketball player who, by chance, I met at Kinko’s. I talked with him for about fifteen minutes about hypnosis and how the mind works.

A couple of months later he got in touch with me and said excitedly “I don’t know how it happened, but after our talk, in my next game, I got two triple doubles which I never did before, and I did other cool moves on the court that were new for me.”

I work with clients on the psychological aspects of performance and help to remove any blockages holding them back. In addition to the individual sessions with me, you will learn the powerful skill of self-hypnosis. It can become part of your repertoire of tools and help you realize your athletic goals.

Individual sessions, phone consultations, and follow-ups are available to help solidify your gains and strengthen your confidence. Sessions can be in English or Spanish.